

Last week kicked off week one Berlin Marathon training. Hot off the heels of Mountains 2 Beach and Vineman Monte Rio, I gave myself a week of unstructured exercise before jumping into my 16-week training plan. My plan is to mostly follow this Hal Higdon plan (starting at week 3), swapping out one of the short runs for a cross training day and being sure to add one strength training session as either a full day or to accompany a shorter run.

Monday: Plyometrics + 3 miles @ 9:05 mins/mile

I started the training week off with about 30 minutes of plyometrics (burpees, jumping lunges, step ups, etc.) and a mostly easy three mile run. It was a beautiful morning!

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Tuesday: 6 miles @ 9:31 mins/mile

This run felt slow and lethargic, and the wind gusting from the Golden Gate Bridge certainly didn’t help. Although I’m getting massaged in a couple of weeks, I could really use the TLC after having ran Mountains 2 Beach and completed the triathlon. SF has been ridiculously foggy lately!

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Wednesday: 50 minute spin class

Although I have no more triathlon aspirations this year, I hope to swim and/or spin at least once a week to maintain this fitness and to try to avoid running-related overuse injuries (I don’t want ITBS again!).

Thursday: Rest

Friday: 6 miles at 8:38 mins/mile

In a rare act of post-work exercise, I ran after work, and, as usual, running faster felt easier than it does before work. I don’t think I’ve ever ran after work on a Friday, but it felt pretty good!

Saturday: 10 miles at 9:42 mins/mile

I ran to Hopper’s Hands and a bit through the Presidio to log 10 easy miles. By the end, I was extremely thirsty and spent the rest of the day trying to resolve my dehydration.

IMG_3416Sunday: 1.5 hours of ashtanga/vinyasa yoga

I went to my favorite yoga class at Bay Club and was not disappointed. We did a bunch of shoulder opening exercises and sweaty vinyasas.

Grade for the week: A+

I started marathon training strong, mixing in a couple of cross training sessions with my requisite runs. I’d give myself an A for running after work on Friday by itself! That takes a lot of mental strength for me, and I think I’m going to need to be more OK with running at different times of the day. Marathon training makes me ridiculously tired, and if I need to run at lunch or after work, I need to be OK with that.